It used to be a commercial product, but, I finally realized that I have a moral problem with selling closed-source software even in Second Life, and so I placed it into the public domain. One thing that helped me make up my mind to do this was this essay by Richard Stallman, Why Software Should Be Free.
You can get the MagnaMural for free at OnRez, SLExchange, or within Second Life. To find it within Second Life, log into Second Life and press the Search button. Then, click the People tab, and search for Apollia Pirandello. You'll find more details in the Picks section of my profile.
If you like it, or even if you don't, I welcome donations of any size.
More info about the MagnaMural is on the following pages:
How to Update the Obsolete Commercial Version of the MagnaMural
To update the obsolete commercial version of the MagnaMural, you can get the MagnaMural Updater from OnRez, SLExchange, or within Second Life. The MagnaMural Updater is also included with the public domain release of the MagnaMural.
Unfortunately, it's impossible for a script to change a prim's perms, so the obsolete commercial version of the MagnaMural will still be No Transfer after you do the update.
Some kind of texture exporter script would be necessary to transfer textures into new, full-perms prims. Perhaps I'll get around to writing one eventually, or maybe someone else will write one. In any case, it would probably be a good idea to code some safeguards to make sure no inventory loss occurs (in light of how unreliable Second Life can be).
The MagnaMural Updater doesn't attempt to relocate any textures, so it should be safe.
Scripts of the MagnaMural Updater
These are just here so you can easily access them without having to be logged into Second Life, in case you want to make a modified version of them. They're also public domain.
They're included in the Downloadable Zip File of Everything Important, so if you already have that, you don't have to download these separately.
Old Pages for the Obsolete Commercial Version of the MagnaMural

Texture Display & Organizer
by Apollia Pirandello
Brief Description
The MagnaMural is a 4-prim screen which enables you to easily browse, display, organize, and store your textures.
Since it's full-perms, open source, and public domain, you can modify the MagnaMural in any way and for any purpose you like, including commercial purposes.
It's a nice container for any textures you might want to give away or sell.
It's an excellent easily-changed wall mural, carpet, wall, window, or whatever else you please. It's great for slideshows, or as an easily-changed backdrop for photo shoots, theater stages, etc., and it is also an excellent resizeable TV or movie screen with which you can watch streaming video.
It is resizeable via text chat commands to any width and height from 20 m to 0.04 m. There are four shape modes, three of which cause the MagnaMural's width and height to maintain a certain proportion to each other, so you only need to enter the width for the MagnaMural to resize itself appropriately. The fourth mode is the mode where you can name both the width and height.
Easy to Control
The MagnaMural is very easy to control. Every feature of the MagnaMural is accessible through text chat commands, which can either be spoken in regular "audible" text chat, or on the silent chat channel of your choice, from 1 to 9999. Also, gestures can be made to give any text chat command you like. And, clicks cause a few things to happen as well.
You can navigate through your textures forward, backward, or randomly, merely by clicking one of its 4 prims, using a gesture, or giving a text chat command. Also, you can instantly go directly to any texture within the MagnaMural just by saying its number.
The gestures included with the MagnaMural allow you to issue commands to the MagnaMural simply by pressing an F-key on your keyboard. You can customize the included gestures, and design your own gestures to issue any command you want to the MagnaMural.
Many of the major features can also be accessed by clicking Panel 3 (the lower left prim), which will make a blue dialog pop-up, full of buttons, appear in the upper right corner of your screen.
Full Permissions, Public Domain
Texture Organization Capabilities
Since the MagnaMural has full permissions and is public domain, you can make as many copies of the MagnaMural as you like, as well as modify it in any way you please. You can rename the MagnaMural to whatever you please (which will assist in keeping track of what textures you're keeping in various MagnaMurals).
And, if you want to browse multiple textures at once, like a more standard texture browser, you can set out as many different copies of the MagnaMural as you want, which you can control all at the same time, as well as issue commands to separately.
You can put as many textures in the MagnaMural as you want. (Though I recommend not putting in _too_ many, or at least not without keeping separate backups of those textures, because Second Life starts to get glitchy, at least for me, when dealing with objects with colossal inventories). The textures will automatically be put into alphabetical order.
You can use the MagnaMural to get a numbered, alphabetical list of every texture contained in the MagnaMural, which you can then copy and paste into a text editor on your own computer, and jot down your own notes on what the various textures look like.
With the help of this list, you will be able to easily find any texture and go to it just by saying its number. You can also easily search the list using your text editor's search features.
That was just a brief summary of some of the uses and features of the MagnaMural. The best way to get acquainted with the MagnaMural (other than browsing these web pages) is probably to simply acquire it. It is free, because I mostly agree with this essay by Richard Stallman, Why Software Should Be Free.
You can get the MagnaMural for free at OnRez, SLExchange, or within Second Life. To find it within Second Life, log into Second Life and press the Search button. Then, click the People tab, and search for Apollia Pirandello. You'll find more details in the Picks section of my profile.
If you like it, or even if you don't, I welcome donations of any size.
More info about the MagnaMural is on the following pages: